Monday, December 12, 2011

Clarissa, Darling!!

 I have been on a kick of 90's fashion, I know. But here's my last two sense on the subject. Clarissa. My ultimate fashion icon in my last 15 or so years of living. I wish i could have everything in her closet, only problem is that she's usually wearing most of it. I pulled a couple of things out of my closet to try to emulate Clarissa even in the least bit. I don't have anyone to model for me, nor a reasonable self timer on my camera, so for now, everything is laid down on my semi-crammped room. 

 Crepe floral polkadot mix-matched patterned blouse, tied in the middle , britney style.-Given to me from a friend in exchange for a sweater i had appliqued.
 Cut off jean shorts from pants I had ruined by trying to acid dye them , just made it look tie dyed. 
Long patterned socks/ tights.Gift from my dad, he always gets me warms socks and tights for life in san francisco, i got these about sumer time. 
 Novelty school bus side bag-Buffalo Exchange in Las Vegas $10

 My cat insisted on being a part of the photos, furgus-breath!

 Doc Martins aren't necessary, just a good ol pair of black boots. Found these on the street in front of my house-just fine. 
The accessories of Clarissa, I think I might have under did it!
 Vintage colorful cat earrings thrifted from a little shop in calavaras county called good stuff-about $2

 Ceramic surfing cow Goodwill $3
 Bracelet  from a family friend who bought this for me while visiting family in Greece. 
 Disco ball earring, I did have two but I had given the other one away in some sort of a comradery friendship way. -Piedmont Boutique $4
 Beaded necklace made by my sister- Only for me
 Fun eyewear, duh, clarissa
 Here's another idea of something you could use instead of something so sheer. A button down floral shirt, or any other pattern will pretty much do, top it off with a vest, a head band or pull your hair up in a loose bun on top of the head. ccuuuuuttteee!!!
Hope You've enjoyed!
na na na na na na- na na na na na na

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